Chrysler vehicles

Welcome friends and Chrysler Enthusiast to another monthly newsletter, it is great to see some new people at our Club meetings again.

The last Club meeting was the AGM, so that meeting closed the club meeting then all executive positions were then dissolved I stood down from the Presidents chair so that Kerry could take over and spill the positions. The Committee of the Chrysler Owner Club I would like to say a hart felt thank you for the work that you have all done for the past year, a huge thank you to the Secretary Doug Murphy for his tireless work organising the 2019 Chrysler EXPO with the support of David Sutton well done both of you and thanks you. This is not to say that the other people did not do their best they all did a wonderful job I thank all of you well done. I believe the committee is the same as last year thank you all and lets have as much fun as we did last year.

On Thursday 25th Sept Rose and I went to the QHMC Meeting they also had their AGM the same people were thrust back into their jobs as normally happens as there are very few people that are prepared to step up to help out, some people just want to sit there and complain and attack chair holders. Most of the discussion in the meeting were trying to resolve an historic problem but I think it is getting close to being resolved.

The Impromptu Runs also came up and something that I picked up on is we need to keep all impromptu run applications for at least three years as the TAX office wants us to do that for their paperwork, I would recommend that we do the same for the impromptu runs that we put on the data base.
The Impromptu runs are not an act of parliament it is some thing that the TMR came up with and thought it is a good idea [ my understanding].

The Christmas Dinner is not that far away so do not forget to put your $15 refundable deposit in [if you turn up it will be refunded]. It is a great day out a chance to show off your Prized Chrysler Family of Sheet Metal. Talking Sheet Metal, the Auction for the hose clamp rings and tool so far I have one bid and that is for $50. If I get no more bids that is the winner so if you would like to have this prized classic car hose clam opener and some hose clamps do not for get the bidding closes on the week before the Christmas party. So get your emails in to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to have a chance at winning this set the winner will receive it at the Christmas party.

So, let us get out there, support the club on the runs, and have the fun that we all planned to have when we started with the Club.

Graham McLean
Chrysler Owners Club Qld Inc
Home Phone (07) 3203 2334
Mobile No 0414 809 498
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.