Chrysler vehicles

Impromptu Club Run Details submission

Please enter the details of the Impromptu Club Run you wish to attend.

Basically, the purpose of Impromptu Events is, when you post your listing here, other club members are being invited to come along. This means you have to allow time for other members to consider your proposal and respond.

Chrysler Owners’ Club Qld Inc considers 24 hours to be the minimum between the time of posting and the start of the run. (This is the same as that of other clubs).

It may be other members are not interested in joining your proposed run, but they must be given the time and  opportunity to consider it.    

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I am aware of, and understand, the conditions of use for vehicles registered under the Queensland Special Interest Vehicle Registration scheme. I agree that the Impromptu Club Run I will be attending falls within the Queensland Special Interest Vehicle Registration Guidelines. I indemnify the Chrysler Owners Club of Queensland Inc from any Loss, liability or claim that may occur as part of my attendance in the above Impromptu Club Run.
You must accept these terms and conditions to enter these Impromptu Run details.
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